Saturday, April 26, 2008

Dont Try this at Home - I

New Delhi, June 20, 2006
A 19-year-old girl who died after falling from the sixth storey of a high-rise building here had committed suicide, she has been allegedly done this act after being betrayed in love. Minutes before she leapt off the building, she had messaged her boyfriend 3 times from her mobile phone saying, "I am so tired of life and i wants to take rest" "I will never show my face to you again... Bye forever." "I promise I will not SMS you again. I will never show my face to you again. I really love you. Bye forever," The last of her last message read. Some claims thats its a murder and some says its just a suicide, But Report says its a Suicide. Most of the Peoples Know this News, Thats what teenagers do when they got depressed, but thats not a right path to choose, Sometimes they think that parents are their enemies but thats not true, Parents dont wants that their kids go wrong way, we should have to think about it, they are not our enemies, they just care for us because this world is getting so worst these days. At any place and at anytime we can fall in trouble and they dont wants to loose the most precious thing of their lives, with whom they have spend many of the years of life. Life is so precious, and u have to live it with happiness, so enjoy it and dont be so pesimmist, we always learn new things from life cuz LIFE IS A LESSON AND YOU HAVE TO LEARN IT, Ups and downs are part of life, but suicide is not the way by which one can solve all of their problems but it can create problems for one's family. We cant just die for someone who has just stepped into our life. We have to think about our parents who took care of us for so many years. Kindly forward this message to all peoples whom you know, its only for General Awareness, may be your one forward message will save someone's life . . .

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